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Reference Guide: Enterprise Document Management Service (OnBase)



The Enterprise Document Management Service (EDMS) provides the ability to scan, index, and retrieve documents in the enterprise document management system, implemented in OnBase. This reference guide answers common questions and explains how to report an issue and request services related to EDM. The current EDM system is OnBase by Hyland.


Usage Guides (Training Materials):

Web Client Guide:
Unity Client Guide:
Unity Importing and Processing Guide:

Table of Contents

  1. Reporting Incidents
  2. Requesting Services
  3. Training Sessions
  4. How-To Articles
  5. Primary Contacts

Reporting Incidents

An incident is any trouble accessing or using existing functionality of the service. If you are having an issue accessing or using functionality that worked previously, then it should be reported as an incident.  If you need to request a change to an existing item/functionality or request a new item/functionality, such as a document type, a keyword, or a workflow, then see the section below titled Requesting Services.

Use this form to report a new incident or contact the Helpdesk (654-HELP), and include the following information:

  • A description of what you are doing when the problem occurs, including the steps to reproduce the issue
  • The tool you are using to access OnBase: Web Client, Unity Client, or OnBase Client.
  • Attach any screenshots, be sure to capture any information, warning, or error messages received
  • Report anything that may have changed since the problem started occurring.
  • Include any other customers affected by the same problem

Requesting Services

A service request is used to request changes to existing items or addition of new items.Some items may require a meeting to gather more information about your request.  For more complex requests, a project may be necessary.

Changes to existing items:

Change to an existing document type such as adding a keyword, custom queries, workflow, etc.

Change Request form

New items:

New document type(s), workflows, department on-boarding, backfile scanning of paper documents, adding a scan workstation, training, etc.

New Request form
Training Sessions
Click here to view a list of upcoming training sessions and get registered to attend.

How To Articles

How To: Log into OnBase

How To: Request a Change for EDM Services

How To: Use OnBase Application Enabler with PeopleSoft & RunnerConnect

How To: Access OnBase Remotely

How To: Sweep Files into OnBase

How To: Install OnBase Unity Client

Coming Soon:

How To: Create a Duplicate Keyword During Indexing

How To: Access Hyland Training Videos

How To: Find My Documents

How To: Import My Documents

How To: Share My Documents

How To: Navigate Workflow

How To: Request a New Document Type or Keyword

How To: Register a Workstation for Scanning

How To: Request a Change to an Existing Form or Workflow


Primary Contacts

For questions/concerns, please contact the CSUB Service Center at:

  • 661-654-HELP (4357)
  • Email: