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Reference Guide: Adobe Sign: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)



This reference guide is to answer some frequently asked questions from our campus community about the usage of Adobe Sign.

Adobe Sign: Frequently Asked Questions



     Forms & Publishing



Do faculty and staff have an Adobe Sign account?

All employees (faculty and staff) are automatically provisioned with an Adobe Sign Enterprise account to enable them to use their CSUB credentials.


Do students have an Adobe Sign account?

At this time, Students are NOT enabled with an Adobe Sign Enterprise account unless they are a student worker, a faculty member, or a staff member.  They cannot log into  

However, students can complete and sign forms through Adobe Sign when these forms are (a) initiated by a staff or faculty member or (b) published online.  Please check your CSUB email or the department web site for specific form instructions and links.


How do I access my Adobe Sign account?

If you're enabled with an Adobe Sign Enterprise account, please navigate to CSUB custom login page using any web browser, enter your full CSUB email address, and click the "Continue" button.  Follow the prompts to sign into the service using your CSUB credentials.

If you're NOT enabled with an Adobe Sign Enterprise account, please go to the Adobe Sign login page at using any web browser and sign in with your personal account credentials.  


How do I update/change my profile information in Adobe Sign?

In Adobe Sign, you would be able to update your profile information [Initials, Phone Number, Company, & Job Title, & Time Zone] using following steps:

  1. Please login into your Adobe Sign account.
  2. Hover over your name in the right top corner to select "My Profile".
  3. Select "Edit Profile"
  4. Make your changes
  5. Click "Save" to save changes. 

Can students send a document for signing?

Students are not able to send documents for signature without an Adobe Sign account. However, if a document has been published as a web form, a student can visit the URL to complete and sign the document.


Can someone sign for me when I’m out of the office?

Yes. You can set up a delegate to receive and sign any document sent to you for signature. Note that this will be all documents, even an HR document sent to you for signature. Your delegate can leave those documents for you to sign on your return, but they can view them.


Where can I view documents that I have sent and/or signed?

This applies to users with a CSUB Adobe Sign Enterprise account (Faculty, Staff, & Student Workers). 

You can find your documents under "Manage" tab, after signing into Adobe Sign at  There are several categories on the left-hand navigation bar that list your documents based on their current status.  Click on one of the categories to view the list of documents. 

Note: There may be more documents in the list outside the viewable area of your screen.  Use the scroll wheel on the mouse or the arrow keys on the keyboard to scroll down the list.  On a touch device, use touch gestures to scroll the list.

  • In Progress - Documents that you sent or signed which are still awaiting other signatures
  • Waiting for You - Documents currently waiting for you to sign
  • Completed - Documents that have all requested signatures collected
  • Canceled - Documents you canceled or one of the signers declined to sign (Cancellation reason, if given, is viewable on the Activity log for the document.)
  • Expired - Documents that were sent with a deadline that passed before all signatures were collected
  • Draft - Documents you prepared but did not send yet


What do I need to do, when I receive following error message "Your Account has been deactivated. Please contact your support staff"?

It is possible that you may have selected the incorrect option in one following scenarios:

  • You may have accidentally tried to create an additional account, instead of signing into your active enterprise account. 
  • During the login process, you may have chosen "Personal", instead of "Company/School", when you were presented with the options. Choose "Company/School" when prompted.
  • You may be a student with only a personal account. 

Please navigate to CSUB custom login page using any web browser and fill your CSUB email and press "Continue".  Follow the prompts to login into the service using your CSUB email and associated password.


What do I need to do, when I receive email message with subject starting as "Reminder: Waiting for you to ..."?

It is possible that you may have documents waiting for your review in Adobe Sign account. Please follow the instructions provided in the email from "".

Additionally, you may find similar status documents under "Waiting for you" section in the "Manage" tab in your home page of "Adobe Sign".


How do I get back to my Adobe Sign "Manage" page after reading, signing, declining, or delegating a document?

This applies to users with a CSUB Adobe Sign Enterprise account (Faculty, Staff, & Student Workers).  


After signing a document, a blue button titled "Manage" will appear on the page.  Click the button to navigate to your "Manage" page.

Web page displaying the Manage button

Reading, Declining, or Delegating

After reading, declining, or delegating signing to another person, no "Manage" button is displayed on the page.  To navigate back to the "Manage" page, first click on the CSUB logo in the upper left corner of the page. 

This will take you to the Adobe Document Cloud.  On this page, hover your cursor over the "Sign" option on the top menu bar, and then click the "Manage Agreements" button displayed at the bottom of the pane.


How can I share my account for another person to view my documents?

Currently the CSUB Enterprise account only allows Basic sharing, which is read-only sharing.

Note: Sharing your account allows the other person to view and download all of your documents, past and current as long as the sharing is active.

To share your account with another person see the Adobe Sign documentation on Basic Sharing 

To view documents for an account that has been shared with you, see the Adobe Sign documentation on Viewing Shared Content

How can I manage and track agreements in Adobe Sign? 

Once you login into your Adobe Sign account, you would be able to perform several actions on agreements initiated by you.  More details are available in the following Adobe Sign support article



Do I need an Adobe Sign account to sign a document?

An Adobe Sign account is not required to sign a document as long as the sender has selected ‘Email’ as the authentication method which is the default for a recipient. If the sender selects ‘Adobe Sign’ as the authentication method, the recipient is required to have an Adobe Sign account to login and sign.


What type of signature, electronic or digital, should be used in Adobe Sign?

Based on the CSU Chancellor’s Office recommendation “For the vast majority of situations electronic signatures meet legal requirements and digital certificate backed signatures are overkill unless explicitly required. “

The CSUB team recommends using electronic signatures unless explicitly requested. Electronic signatures allow for a simplified signing experience for the signers. 

See the CSU CO Policy on Electronic and Digital Signatures for more information.


When I try to sign a document, I receive a message that the “document requires a digital signature” and I must “open it in Adobe Acrobat or Reader version XI(11) or later.”

This happens if the person who sent the document requested a digital signature instead of an electronic signature. For many of the documents on campus, an electronic signature is sufficient and a digital signature is not necessary. You can try contacting the person who sent the document and ask them to resend with an electronic signature instead of a digital signature if possible. If the sender does require a digital signature, then you will need to download and sign it with Acrobat or Reader.


Why is the printed name and date missing under my signature?

When you electronically sign a document, if you chose an image for your signature, the printed name and date will not be displayed beneath the signature. Choose either 'Type' or 'Draw' signature options. Adobe Sign Support Article


Why am I receiving email notifications of Adobe Sign documents from

Adobe Sign, formerly EchoSign, makes it fast, easy and secure to e-sign documents.  As of now, the email notifications of Adobe Sign are sent from EchoSign email address ( with CSUB branding [logo & university name] at the top of the email, as well as contains contact email addresses of the CSUB requester(s). 

  • To ensure that you continue receiving Adobe Sign emails, please add to your address book or safe list.
  • Examples of some standard campus forms sent from Adobe Sign are listed below :
    • From: Adobe Sign <>
    • From: Adobe Sign Integration <>
    • From: Payment Services <>

NOTE:  As of Jan 2021, the Adobe Sign emails are coming from, so consider adding this email to your address book or safe list. 


Forms & Publishing

What are the known limits on each transaction in Adobe Sign?

The following limits apply to all documents sent through the CSUB Adobe Sign enterprise account. The maximum number of pages and file size has been increased from their default values.

  1. Maximum number of pages per transaction: 500 Pages 
  2. Total Size of the uploaded file per transaction: 50 MB 
  3. Number of recipients this transaction is being sent to 25 recipients
  4. Files attached to an Adobe Sign document are limited in size to 5 MB
  5. Number of transactions sent per hour: No hourly limit


What is the recommended application for viewing these signed documents?

Adobe Acrobat is the recommended application to view these signed documents. Please download the latest application from Adobe website [ ].


How do I ensure my forms meet CSUB accessibility guidelines?

The tools in Adobe Acrobat PRO enable you to create and validate against accessibility guidelines.

Please refer to the following article for more details: Adobe Sign Support Article

Please contact the CSUB Service Center at for questions about the latest supported version of the Adobe Acrobat application.


What are the guidelines that I should follow when publishing departmental forms in Adobe Sign?


How do I add pre-defined form fields to my form/template?

See the article How To: Use CSUB Field Templates to Convert a PDF to a Form


Related Articles and Reference


Primary Contacts

For support using Adobe Sign, please contact



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